On 01/05/18 15:37, Chris H wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2018 15:11:00 +1300 "Matthew Luckie" <m...@luckie.org.nz> said
>> Hi,
>> I maintain a port that has a new release which requires openssl 1.0.2 to
>> build.  FreeBSD 10.3 and 10.4 both have openssl 1.0.1, and 11 onwards
>> have 1.0.2.  Is there a magic way to have this port depend on ports
>> openssl for freebsd releases without openssl 1.0.2?  I ran
>> find /usr/ports -exec grep "security/openssl" {} \; -print
>> and didn't find anything that I could use as a recipe.  USES = ssl
>> doesn't seem to be it either.
>> Matthew
> Hello Matthew,
> Have a look at ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk
> In there you will find some clues for defining rules for building
> for specific (bsd)OS versions -- like >=XXXXX, or .if OSREL <=XXXXXX ...
> As well as only permitting build/install when the correct version
> of security/openssl is found in the systems ports tree.
> It's well commented, and should give you some good options to try.
> It will also give some good clues to search the ports tree for. Where
> you can simply copy someone else's work verbatim. :-)
> You might also try the following alternative for searching;
> cd /usr/ports
> find . | xargs <string-to-search-for>

My main worry is that I could not find a single port that apparently
depends on security/openssl.  I'm worried that its more complicated than
simply declaring a dependency on security/openssl on particular freebsd
versions because other ports that use openssl might link against it
without registering a dependency.  Is my worry misplaced?


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