On Thu, 03 May 2018 18:45:49 +0200, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:

Julian H. Stacey wrote on 2018/05/03 14:54:
CC pruned, & 1 added as som thread commonality below ***
 Miroslav Lachman wrote:
The cad/freecad port has PORTNAME= FreeCAD in the Makefile, so the
package name is FreeCAD-0.17.13509.txz

Miroslav Lachman
As these fail:
        pkg search cad | grep -i free
        pkg search CAD | grep -i free
        pkg install FreeCAD-0.17.13509.txz
        pkg install FreeCAD-0.17.13509
        pkg install FreeCAD-0.17
        pkg install FreeCAD-0
        pkg install FreeCAD
& I am reaching the world with these 2 that produce the same
        pkg search cad
        pkg search CAD
&   pkg search exmh # exmh-2.8.0_1
        pkg install exmh-2.8.0_1
        PORTNAME=       exmh
        PORTVERSION=    2.8.0
        PORTREVISION=   1
        PORTNAME=       FreeCAD
        DISTVERSION=    0.17.13509
Probably some packages are missing from the freebsd.org build system, as in
        Subject: port x11-wm/icewm does not have a pkg?
These also fail
        pkg search  icewm
        pkg install icewm-1.3.8_3

What repository are you using?
Did you run pkg update -f?

The package is in official FreeBSD repo for 10 and 11:

Also in quaterly branch

pkg install FreeCAD shoul work. (I am not using official FreeBSD repo on any of our machines so I cannot test it now)

Miroslav Lachman

In the past we had portsmon which displayed if a port build or not.


But is in maintenance for a while now. The maintainer mailed me (about a month ago) it will be back in Q2 probably.

I don't know of a similar site with the data of the current pkg build system.

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