On 02.07.2018 03:19, José Pérez via freebsd-ports wrote:

> Hi,
> after a Base System upgrade Passenger fails on
> startup with this error:
> nginx: [alert] Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog: it seems 
> to have been killed with signal SIGABRT during startup (-1: Unknown 
> error)
> Can please someone try and reproduce and/or
> suggest a workaround/fix?
> How to reproduce:
> - stable 11.2
> - install nginx or apache (same problem with
>    both)
> - install (almost) any passenger version (I
>    could reproduce with 5.2.1, 5.3.2 (current
>    in ports) and 5.3.3 (latest))
> What you get:
> # service nginx start
> Performing sanity check on nginx configuration:
> nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is 
> ok
> nginx: configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is 
> successful
> Starting nginx.
> nginx: [alert] Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog: it seems 
> to have been killed wit
> Further error details in log:
> [ pid=57456, timestamp=1530359790 ] Process aborted! signo=SIGABRT(6), 
> reason=#65543, si_addr=0x0, randomSeed=1530359790

Have your tried to google this? Search for "reason=" "65543"
gives https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues/987 as second link
that mentiones very similar problem pointing to some C++ compiler 
and FreeBSD 11.2 got new clang version 6.0.0, so that may be a culprit.

You should try to deinstall all dependent ports including nginx and the 
application itself
and rebuild them all from scratch to eliminate possible C++ mangling/runtime 

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