On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 02:07:28AM +0000, Tatsuki Makino wrote:
> Steve Kargl wrote on 2019/04/13 10:49:
> > 
> > pkg info | grep py > py.txt
> > pkg delete -f py27-setuptools-40.8.0
> > install 3.6
> > re-install python27 
> > 
> > 
> py27-cython and py27-sphinx are also cause.
> Probably, pkg query -e %\#r\ =\ 0 -g %n py27-\* ports/packages can be
> deleted in advance.

Indeed, there's quite a bit of stale material to remove. I tried
pkg delete -f py27-\* and it offered to remove many py27-* packages
and a few that didn't match by name. Since I can afford to break
things on this host I accepted the offer and await the outcome
with interest.

I'm still rather baffled as to what's going on. One of the first things
tried was to deinstall python27, expecting the removal of all traces
that might conflict with installing python36. Clearly that didn't happen.

Have I got something misconfigured? Or, is this expected behavior for ports? 

Thanks for writing!

bob prohaska

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