
First, sorry for this delay etc.

> > > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=235930
> > > Can it be commited?


> > See also:
> > 
> > databases/percona57-{server,client} update to 5.7.25-28 (fixes
> > several vulnerabilities)
> > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=236570
> > maintainer: feld (CC'd)


> > There is no bug report or patches for databases/percona55-{server,client}
> > maintainer: flo (CC'd)
> I'd like to rise the issue again: the bug with fixes for security
> vulnerabilities documented in vuxml remains unattended since February -
> nearly half a year. Unfortunately it seems like @flo does not maintain it
> anymore.

flo@'s missing in action since January. Sometimes, the real life
interrupts the digital world, so who knows what stops him...

> First of all I want to ask again to commit the patch due to maintainer
> timeout.


> And the second question I'd like to solve is the fate of the ports
> maintainership: Is it possible to reach @flo to be sure if he is willing
> to maintain his ports?

He'll get this in Cc:

> Maybe the current maintainer of databases/mysql*
> could adopt them, which seems reasonable because they have common
> ancestry. Otherwise I'd like to adopt the port myself.

Please submit a PR with a patch to change maintainer, add me
to the Cc: list. We'll change it after that PR times out.

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                    One year to go !
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