## The Doctor via freebsd-ports (freebsd-ports@freebsd.org):

> Subject: Bind 9.16 port error still lingers


> May  1 21:29:02 gallifrey named[90441]: Required root permissions to open 
> '/var/run/named.pid'.
> May  1 21:29:02 gallifrey named[90441]: Please check file and directory 
> permissions or reconfigure the filename.

Did you?
BTW the default location for named's pidfile on FreeBSD is

> May  1 21:29:02 gallifrey named[90441]: parser.c:950: REQUIRE(obj != ((void 
> *)0) && obj->type->rep == &cfg_rep_uint32) failed, back trace

Some (configuration) value should be an integer, but isn't.


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