On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 11:45:28PM -0600, @lbutlr wrote:
> This has happened in the past, but it happened again this weekend when an 
> update to ;ibjson-c did not update bind, rendering bind unable to load 
> libjson-c.so.4 because it had been replaced with libjson-c.so.5.

man libmap.conf

This allows you to associate libjson-c.so.4 with *.5
without doing the symlink, which you'll need to 
remember to remove in the future.

My libmap.conf currently has

% cat /etc/libmap.conf
includedir /usr/local/etc/libmap.d
libicui18n.so.66  libicui18n.so.67
libicuuc.so.66    libicuuc.so.67
libevent-2.1.so.6 libevent-2.1.so.7
libncurses.so.8 libncurses.so.9
libncursesw.so.8 libncursesw.so.9

because it seems like everything (indirectly) depends on
libncurses change and the icu port.  Eventually, portmaster
and I catch up and libmap.conf entries are removed.

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