On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:43:48 +0000, Pau Amma stated:
>On 2020-09-18 11:14, Carmel NY wrote:
>> Is 'portsnap'
>> going to be depreciated?  
>> If so, when?  
>I believe when 13.0 is released, or already if you're using a recent 
>> If is is depreciated, how will
>> this affect poudriere?  
>and the next sections.

According to the above page, "The most straightforward way is to have
Poudriere create a default ports tree for itself, using either
portsnap(8) (if running FreeBSD 12.1 or 11.4) or Subversion (if running
FreeBSD-CURRENT)" Am I to understand that if I am running 11.4-RELEASE,
I cannot use subversion?


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