On Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 06:30:32PM -0500, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:

> Hey all. I want to have Poudriere build packages that build and install
> to /opt instead of /usr/local.

Lest anyone spend more time thinking about this, the project is over. I
failed to get building to a custom location working. Thank you to everyone
who's thrown in suggestions, however. I'm mildly dismayed that it ended up
being such a rat's nest, but it's probably fair to say that if no one else
cares about this functionality, it's wasted time trying to pursue it.

Thank you again, and keep safe.

Mason Loring Bliss             ma...@blisses.org            Ewige Blumenkraft!
(if awake 'sleep (aref #(sleep dream) (random 2))) -- Hamlet, Act III, Scene I

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