On 10/1/21 4:29 am, Ganael Laplanche wrote:

> 1) Move devel/tbb to a dedicated subdir and install devel/onetbb to its 
> default location. Here, we just anticipate what is written above. As you say, 
> as having devel/onetbb-only is the target, that would be the best solution 
> *BUT* it has the major disadvantage of having to patch all the current 
> dependent ports. This is error-prone and will require extra work I won't have 
> time to do. As I already wrote, I would prefer each porter to patch each port 
> himself (because he is the one who knows his port better that anyone). That's 
> why I suggested the second option.

You don't have to do it all yourself, you create the bug reports to
change tbb and to create onetbb, one report can depend on the other so
they get committed together. My experience is being told to submit one
report for each port, not one patch to change multiple ports.

Then you create a report to say blender fails to build with your new
port and add the report number to the Blocks list in your report. That
leaves me to submit a patch to update blender to work with your change
before your update can be committed. I would then add reports to update
other dependencies that block my update.

At most you submit 20 reports to say xx/yy port needs updating. There is
devel/pybugz and ports-mgmt/freebsd-bugzilla-cli that could automate
that but I haven't used them so can't recommend either.

Then all the depends and blocks get updated together or some ports can
get marked as broken if they fail to update in a suitable time.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler

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