On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 13:34:55 +0100
"Ronald Klop" <ronald-li...@klop.ws> wrote:

> I created a port of the Vivaldi browser & e-mail client.
> (www.vivaldi.com) It is still a work in progress.
> The port is based on the linux-opera port.
> It installs in /compat/linux/opt/vivaldi which needs to be improved
> yet. It seems I have all the dependencies in place now.
> But when I start it it complains that libffmpeg.so is not available
> while ldd gives that it is perfectly available.
> /opt/vivaldi/vivaldi-bin: error while loading shared libraries:
> libffmpeg.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory

I would not be surprised if it is trying to find an libffmpeg.so which
is part of proprietary Google Chrome packages. That one is quite often
packaged on Linux distros with -extra suffix. That's a trick non
Google Chromium based browsers do to provide protected multimedia
support. You shall be able to see, what's happening while vivaldi is
starting with truss(1).

Does the browser actually starts or fails to do so? 

 Piotr Smyrak
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