Great, that answers all my questions thank you very much!

Just need to wait for the package build process to run again (the last
status for 122amd64-default was stoped: crashed:) so that I can test

On 10/04/2021 1:20 am, Mark Millard via freebsd-ports wrote:
Simon Wright simon.wright at wrote on
Fri Apr 9 10:12:04 UTC 2021 :

Excellent Mark, thank you, then that is exactly what I need, the git
equivilent of svn up -r xxxxxx ${portsdir}.

And is there a need to do git-commit or git-merge to deal with the
'detached HEAD' message or can I just suppress this? Any local
modifications live in an overlay for poudriere to use so there is
nothing unique in my /usr/ports and I only track main, no other branches.

So far as I know, you could just ignore the messages about
detached HEAD for your intended style of use, if I
understand your usage correctly.

You may have other git use besides FreeBSD ports (now or
someday), so I'm cautious about claiming the specifics
below are fully appropriate, but you could do something

git config --global advice.detachedHead false

to make detached HEADs status easier to ignore: no more
messages, or at least in fewer contexts. (I'm unsure if
it would disable git status reporting on the that
specific type of status information.)

As indicated already, you may want to periodically use
git status to cross-check on if something unexpected
happened in your use that should be cleaned up.

On 09/04/2021 1:23 pm, Mark Millard via freebsd-ports wrote:
Simon Wright simon.wright at wrote on
Fri Apr 9 02:48:47 UTC 2021 :

I'm still not clear though whether checking out this commit brings in
all the commits from git clone to this one or only this commit. My
reading seems to say that this is *only* this one commit which is not my
need. Can anyone confirm this please?

[My wording is not trying to be explicit about multi-branch
merge points. Nor does it try to deal much with if you have
local changes or staged changes in place at the time of the
activity or if you have extra files not checked into git in
the tree as well. And so on: a simple same-branch context.]

A commit hash/id identifies everything on the branch at the
time the commit finished, including what did not change
compared to the prior commit on the branch. Checking out the
commit spans all of it. Jumping forward (or backward) a bunch
of commits on a branch does not require doing them one by one
to get the net effect.

You may want to inspect after checkouts (or similar activity)
that "git status" does not display any surprises that need
to be cleaned up in the local file system via some variant(s)
of git restore or/and git clean or the like.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
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