
The port math/sage used to build on different releases of FreeBSD (when
there is no problem with some dependencies...), but since some days pkg-
fallout reports a strange error when building the doc:

[dochtml] [a_tour_of] The HTML pages are in 
[dochtml] Error building the documentation.
[dochtml] Traceback (most recent call last):
[dochtml]   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in 
[dochtml]     "__main__", mod_spec)
[dochtml]   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
[dochtml]     exec(code, run_globals)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 2, in <module>
[dochtml]     main()
[dochtml]   File 
 line 1729, in main
[dochtml]     builder()
[dochtml]   File 
 line 353, in _wrapper
[dochtml]     build_many(build_other_doc, L)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 296, in build_many
[dochtml]     _build_many(target, args, processes=NUM_THREADS)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 289, in build_many
[dochtml]     raise worker_exc.original_exception
[dochtml] OSError: 
 WARNING: rST localisation for language "hu" not found.

Note: it builds for the other languages, and only fails for Hungarian.

Any idea? Maybe some locale bits have been removed?
Th. Thomas.

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