On Tue, May 04, 2021 at 08:10:38AM -0600, @lbutlr wrote:
> With the move to FreeBSD 13.0 is there a simple (single step) way to 
> reinstall all the current ports other than saving off a list of the ports and 
> then stepping through that list to reinstall them? It was very inefficient 
> when moving to 12.0 as many ports in the list, of course, were dependent on 
> other ports, but then got recompiled, sometimes multiple times. I know I 
> ended up in a make loop where came was compiled over and over again until I 
> aborted, listed the current ports, differ on the previous ports, and picked a 
> port I though would have a lot of reps to restart the compile. I then did 
> this several more times to get back to where I had been on 11.x
> And there's still no way to tell if a port was installed from pkg or from 
> ports, correct? Since I use MariaDB instead of MySQLI have to be sure I don't 
> try to use package for anything that will try to install MySQL instead.
> And finally, the release of 13.0 ends the 12.x versions, right? There will 
> not be a 12.3.
> (And yes, I've tried moving to poudrerie several times and we do not get on. 
> At all.)

  If you can get everything into a pkg repo, "pkg upgrade -f" should reinstall
everything regardless of if pkg thinks it needs to.  I suspect that your
problem is minimum proper rebuilding rather than reinstallation.

  I just keep a list of packages I want (vs all build dependencies), which
made my what-needs-rebuilding list much smaller (the dependency list is
huge, but I didn't need to track that).  I have a list of 58 packages I
want installed, but have 494 packages installed for dependencies and I think
the build total (some build dependencies don't get installed) is 600+.

  Your story is reminding me about my portmaster problems back in the day
(that drove me to try poudriere, not get it, try synth, then run on synth
until I ran into other issues (arm64) that remotivated me to learn poudriere).
I know there is someone that has tried to fix portmaster in the meantime, but
I think the basic issue is that there are, and will continue to be, issues
with incompatible build dependencies that are "solved" by clean-room build
systems which are probably the cause of some of those make loops.

  The last time I had this conversation, someone who had been beating on
portmaster spoke up about the work they'd been doing to try and get the
clean-room work added to it, but I don't know about the status of that.  I
think you're going to be aggravated until you find a ports management fix that
works for you.

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