On 5/10/21 11:46 AM, George Mitchell wrote:
On 5/10/21 11:39 AM, George Mitchell wrote:
On 5/10/21 3:29 AM, Yasuhiro Kimura wrote:
 > Hello,
 > I submitted patches to update lang/python3[89] to 3.8.10/3.9.5
 > respectively.
 > Bug 255729 - lang/python38: Update to 3.8.10
 > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=255729
 > [...]

I tried your patch on python38 and did not run into your problem --
but it appears some minor updates to the pkg-plist are needed for
installation to complete.  I'm trying to figure out what needs to
be changed.                                             -- George

I left out this crucial detail: I'm running 12.2-RELEASE-p6 r369558.
-- George

After a more careful review of what I am seeing, I realize that both
my earlier messages were wrong, and I have exactly the same failure
that you originally reported.  Seemingly, Python-3.8.10/Modules/_ssl.c
DOES include /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h; it does NOT have
OPENSSL_NO_SSL3_METHOD defined; and therefore SSLv3_method SHOULD be
defined, allowing _ssl.c to compile.  But it doesn't, and I don't
understand why not.

tl;dr: Ignore what I said earlier.                       -- George

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