On Sunday 14 July 2002 19:13, Steve Wingate wrote:
> If you're reading this link for sandboxing BIND this is as standard
> as it gets.
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/dns.html
> From what I've read from you it appears you haven't done everything
> these steps tell you to do.

I must concur with Steve.

Just yesterday I set up bind in it's own little sandbox.  I did it by 
following the instructions in the link Steve quoted above.  It works 
just fine!

OK - I stumbled over one tiny problem.  when building the statically 
linked 'named-xfer', the Handbook concludes with :
# cp named-xfer /etc/namedb/bin && chmod 555 /etc/namedb/bin/named-xfer
But the newly built 'named-xfer' is not in the current directory.  A 
tiny bit of lateral thinking prompted me to look in /usr/obj`pwd` - and 
there it was - nice and fresh!

I actually built myself a script as I went along, because I intend doing 
this again in future without always reading the manual.  It's brand 
new, so please forgive the rough edges.  And I have changed a couple of 
things to suit my personal taste and setup.  Here's my script:
(Beware line wrap in the mailer)

cd /etc/namedb
mkdir -p usr/libexec dev etc var/tmp var/run master slave
chown bind:bind slave var/*
cp /etc/localtime etc
[ -L named.conf ] || mv named.conf etc && ln -sf etc/named.conf
[ -f named.root ] && mv named.root master/FWD_root
# I'm not interested in ipv6, so I dump it
sh make-localhost && mv localhost.rev master/REV_localhost && rm 
echo "
$ORIGIN localhost.
$TTL 6h
@       IN SOA localhost. postmaster.localhost. (
        1       ; serial
        3600    ; refresh
        1800    ; retry
        604800  ; expiration
        3600 )  ; minimum
        IN NS   localhost.
        IN A
" > master/FWD_localhost

cd /usr/src/lib/libisc         && make clean all
cd /usr/src/lib/libbinf        && make clean all
cd /usr/src/libexec/named-xfer && make NOSHARED=yes clean all
cp /usr/obj/usr/src/libexec/named-xfer/named-xfer 
/etc/namedb/usr/libexec && chmod 555 /etc/namedb/usr/libexec/named-xfer

cd /etc/namedb
if [ ! -c dev/null ]
  cd /etc/namedb/dev
  mknod null c 2 2
  chmod 666 null
  cd /etc/namedb

[ -L /var/run/ndc ] || ln -sf /etc/namedb/var/run/ndc /var/run/ndc

echo "
# These three lines added by ${0}
# named_enable=\"YES\"
# named_flags=\"-u bind -g bind -t /etc/namedb /etc/named.conf\"
# syslogd_flags=\"-ss -l /etc/namedb/dev/log\"
" >> /etc/rc.conf

echo "
Remember edit /etc/rc.conf and sort out the three lines I\'ve added!

HTH :)

Patrick O'Reilly.
Perimeter Networks CC.

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