> > I added a system call to the FreeBSD-4.6 kernel and 
> compiled the kernel,
> > it compiled properly. Now, in my new kernel, if I try to make some
> > changes in the system call (very minor changes) and recompile the
> > kernel, it gives a compilation error and stops.
> Which error?

No fixed error. I just core dumps at random places. It sounds weird, since
it's only a compilation and not a runtime library, but it's been happening
since last night.

> > Essentially, I'm not able to make changes and re-compile 
> from my kernel,
> > but am able to do the same from the generic kernel. The 
> only difference
> > between my kernel and the generic kernel is an additional 
> system call.
> Which system call?

My own system call. It's an empty function right now.

> > Did anyone else have such a problem? Any suggestions? Tips?
> Could you post more details?

I suspect some dumb a** must have hardcoded the number of system calls
somewhere in the kernel and that's what is giving the problem.

Pavan Balaji,
CIS Graduate Student,
Ohio State University

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect... It just means that
you have decided to see beyond the imperfections"  --  Rash

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