At 11:04 PM -0400 7/16/02, John Mills wrote:
>Hello -
>I would appreciate a bit more information on the 'world' and 'kernel'
>building process. Please point me at the right section of the Handbook
>or Greg's book if there is a succinct description.
>I have been doing 'CVSUP' followed by:
># make buildworld
># make installworld
># make buildkernel
># make installkernel
>without really knowing if this was a useful order or exactly what
>I was accomplishing with each target.

You should check:

for more details that you probably even need to know (because it
includes information for older releases of freebsd).

If you are fairly up-to-date with freebsd-stable, the preferred order
would be more like:

    *READ*   /usr/src/UPDATING
         [every time, just to make sure there are no special
          issues with this specific snapshot of freebsd]
    mergemaster -p
    make buildworld
    make buildkernel
    make installkernel
         [reboot, to make sure the kernel at least boots up]
    get into single user mode
         [usually by booting into it in the above step,
          although I often cheat on that...]
    make installworld
         [go thru all the questions from mergemaster]
    reboot into your new world.

You do not want to install the new world before you know whether
the kernel that matches it will work on your hardware.  If the
kernel does *not* work (and I have had cases where this happens,
although not very often on freebsd-stable), then you can easily
back out by just renaming the kernel-related files in '/'.

If you have done the installworld and *then* find out the new
kernel does not work, well, you'll be in a world of hurt.

Many people will try things in a different order, and will happen
to have it work, and will thus insist that their order is the
correct order (and usually "that it saves them a lot of time").
Their order may even work for six to eight months at a stretch,
which they consider "proof" that it is a perfectly correct order.

The documented order is the order you should stick with, because
it's the only order that we actively *try* to keep working.  If
some other order happens to work, feel free to use it, but do not
come complaining to us for the update where that alternate order
does NOT happen to work...

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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