I just updated my system after about six months, and this is surely the most 
trivial of issues, but . . .

For some reason, now that I've updated my system to stable (as of Friday 
night) and also wiped out and reinstalled *all* of my packages and ports, 
I've run into a rather odd problem:

In Galeon (and also in the "nt" executable from downloader), the pointer shape 
is a


even when the cursor is over menus and buttons and other things where you'd 
expect an arrow cursor.  In the "nt" it seems to be everywhere except at the 
very bottom of the window.  In the case of galeon, it *does* turn to arrow 
over the actual web page, but on the buttons and menus on the top it remains 
a <==>.  It does change to an i-bar in the text widgets, though.  And on the 
bottom part of the window (below the web page) it turns into an up-and-down 
arrow through most of the bottom, and angled in the corners.

It seems as if whoever is doing the arrows (window manager or window, I'm not 
sure) is very confused about the geometry of the Window and thinks of a huge 
portion of the window as being a grababble border.

Yet you can't actually grab it--if you click you can't really grow or shrink 
the window except where you should be able to do so.

Also, the actual title bar causes the pointer to revert back to a pointer.

I run KDE and galeon is a gnome application, so that might explain some 
weirdness, but nt doesn't seem to be a gnome application.  It doesn't happen 
for generic X applications like xterm, xvile, or (more significantly) xmcd.

Though seemingly trivial, this is incredibly distracting.

Any ideas?

Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . .   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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