On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:22:57AM -0600 Jason Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know there's a few of them in the ports collection, but which one
> works best?  I tried installing Limewire from the website and it
> requires a bit more configuring than I care to do right now.  Thanks guys.

The biggest thing with Limewire is it requires the latest and greatest
java runtime libraries, which usually run under linux compat. mode.

Some other gnutella clients I've tried and liked are lopster, gnapster,
knapster (I think...), and gnut and teknap for cli environment.  I think
I've also tried gnutella and gnubile but don't remember much about them.

Give lopster and gnapster a try for opennap servers; that will probably
work out best.

David S. Jackson                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am two with nature.  -- Woody Allen

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