Hello all,

I  originally  posted  this topic under "How do i know a disk is bad" thread but
didn't get any replies.

Well  I've narrowed down the problem towards disk quotas. It turns out that when
I  disable  quotas, everything works fine. When I first setup quotas on /home, I
did   not  place  any quota on the user nor group, with the intention of placing
for one later. I think I know the specific problems but I'm not that sure.

1)  Does  file/dir  ownership  of another user counts? I have a single directory
with files with someone else ownership.

2) Does quotas have problem with this kind of thing?

3)  I  ran  file  quota.user  and  the output says it's a text file without line
terminators  but  when  I  did less on it, all I got is a repetitive sequence of
'@@@' character. When I tried to edit it, all I got is a blank screen. Is this a
sign  of  the  quota.user/quota.group  is  corrupted?

When I ran these tests, I removed userquota,groupquota from /home's fstab entry.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for your time,

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