On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

> There are some apache modules that can do this to various extents, and I
> think you could use ipfw's dummynet as well.

# cat /usr/ports/www/mod_throttle/pkg-descr
This Apache module is intended to reduce the load on your server &
bandwidth generated by popular virtual hosts, directories, locations, or
users accordingto supported polices that decide when to delay or refuse
requests. Also mod_throttle can track and throttle incoming connections by
IP address or by authenticated remote user.

Every request now passes through four levels of throttling, which are: by
client's IP address , by authenticated remote user name (ThrottleRemoteUser),
by local user ID (ThrottleUser), and by directory, location, virtual host,
or server (ThrottlePolicy).

WWW: http://www.snert.com/Software/mod_throttle/

- Jeff


Jeff Jirsa


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