Hello all,

Thursday, September 26, 2002, 9:02:45 AM, freebsd-questions wrote:

> I think the problem may be with your scripts. Make sure the scripts
> are sending the correct HTTP headers to Apache before trying to print
> any output. For example:

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";    # <- This has to precede your output.
> foreach $key ( sort keys(%ENV) ) {
>     print "<p>$key = $ENV{$key}</p>";
> }

> If you're getting output from the test-cgi script, but not from your
> own, then the problem has to be with your script or your config file,
> as long as you have their perms set correctly.

> HTH,

Thanks  for  your  tips. As I had already mentioned before it fubar'ed, all the
scripts worked. The system has been up for a month now and it's only until two
nights  ago,  I  couldn't  get the scripts to work. I wrote quite a few Perl and
CGI  progs  and  tested  them  on this very platform weeks ago and they executed
well. For some inexplicable reason, I couldn't get them to work now. I even used
my backup httpd.conf copy and still the problem persists.

Thank you for your time,

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