On Wednesday 25 September 2002 11:39 pm, Brian McCann appears to have 
> I'll check into Courier now...but I think when I said "public
> folders"...I may need to elaborate.  Basically..I need something like
> newsgroups or forums that can be access controlled.  (eg. So students
> can't read messages about faculty meetings).

Cyrus includes a bulletin board function that I've never used, but it 
it sounds like just what you need for that.  It essentially sets up 
mailboxes shared by specified users where they can leave messages 
for each other.

Of course, you can also just set up a standard news servers.

- Bob

> Thanks,
> --Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:36 PM
> To: Brian McCann; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Need a solution
> On Wednesday 25 September 2002 10:38 pm, Brian McCann appears to have
> written:
> > I've got a slight quandary.  I need a FreeBSD/*nix solution to a
> > Microsoft Exchange server.  Basically...Exchange server is what we
> > need as far as functionality, but it's way to expensive,
> > and...well...I really try not to use M$FT products when it comes to
> > servers.  So...I need something that does a directory of contacts
> > (LDAP I assume will work), something that will share schedules, and
> > something that will act as a mail server and a "public folder"
> > server.
> >
> > I'm told IMAP CAN do this...but is this really the best "groupware"
> > for FreeBSD solution? Any suggestions?
> IMAP is a mail server protocol: it doesn't directly address the rest
> of your needs.  Cyrus is an IMAP server that was designed as an
> enterprise mail system and may be a good solution.  Courier is
> another IMAP server that has a lot of extra features that you might
> find useful (Courier is actually a lot more than an IMAP server:
> for example, it also includes a webmail server).
> http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/cyrus-overview-TOC.html
> http://www.courier-mta.org/
> HP used to have a not-well-promoted Exchange Server replacement
> for Unix, but they seem to have discontinued it.
> "Public folders" would most likely be done with Samba: it provides
> Windows networking compatibility.
> You won't get all of the features of Exchange, but you won't get all
> of its weaknesses, either.
> - Bob
> > Thanks,
> > --Brian

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