On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 03:15:00AM +0800, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

>     Weird problem I'm having here. I can't execute any script in
>     ScriptAlias directory.  500 Internal Server Error always came
>     out. I'm pretty sure the scripts are all right. I ran them on
>     shell, they executed well. Could it be that Apache lost the
>     path?

Have you installed mod_php4 on your server?  And you're maybe loading
it into apache13-modssl ?

Try commenting out the lines that load the php module in httpd.conf,
and see if that restores the ability of your server to run CGI
scripts.  That's not going to be hugely helpful to you if you're
running PHP based sites, but it would confirm a suspected bug in the
latest mod_php4 port.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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