On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, MET wrote:

> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 03:23:01 -0400
> Subject: Setting up the GUI (XFree86 / KDE)
> So I've synched my source tree to 4.x-stable and all my ports.  I
> installed XFree86-4.2.0 and KDE 3.0.3 (I think that's the last number),
> but now what?  I've only installed these options through FBSD initial
> installation methods before.  What do I need to do now so that I can
> type startx and it loads KDE.  Or even better, have KDE load on boot?
> Suggestions, links anything would be of great assistance.
> ~ Matthew

Assuming you've *built* the X and KDE ports, you can get KDE to start with 
startx  by putting 'exec kde' in your ~/.xinitrc, vis:

$ echo "exec startkde" > .xinitrc 

If you want a graphical login that will send you into KDE, see the 
(excellent) handbook page on XDM (although you'll probably want KDM):



#  John Bleichert 
#  http://vonbek.dhs.org/latest.jpg

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