Hi there,

Out of interest, why are you using IPv6 support?  Are you actually using
it?  I've personally had no experience with this, but perhaps that's the

A few things I would check:

1)  See what the value for HostnameLookups is in httpd.conf -- I would
    suggest setting this to Off, as leaving it on can cause issues if
    your DNS server cannot resolve fast enough/at all.  Does
    "/usr/local/sbin/apachectl configtest" show anything odd?

2)  Try running a tcpdump to see if traffic is actually flowing
    freely... who knows, maybe you'll notice something odd.

3)  What's the httpd process doing when it's supposed to be serving this
    page?  Is something using lots of CPU/RAM while you're waiting for
    the page to load?  Perhaps look at using truss to find out?

4)  Have you looked at MySQL during this time?  Try outputting MySQL's
    output/queries to a log file (--with-log=/tmp/mysql.log for eg iirc)
    and see what's going on there.  'show status' within MySQL can
    sometimes also provide good information.

Hope this helps in some way.
- Marc

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 12:59:18PM +0200, Janine C. Buorditez wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm running PostNuke 0.72, Apache+IPv6 1.3.26, MySQL 3.23.49 and
> mod_php4 4.2.3.
> My machine is a Pentium 120 with 16 MB RAM, so I don't expect much
> from it.
> However I would expect it to take less than 15-20 minutes to serve me
> a website, in this case PostNuke (http://www.terrabionic.com/nma). I
> do not know what it is, nor does the PostNuke community.
> The installation went fair and fast enough. Once it was complete and I
> wanted to access it, I had to wait 16 minutes for just the topic to
> appear.
> > tail /var/log/httpd-error.log


> I haven't done much to configure Apache, MySQL or PHP. That should
> result in this should it?
> Thanks
> --janine

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