On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 11:45:08PM -0500, Enrique Morfin wrote:

> Where can i configure the default desktop for
> users?(maybe KDE or GNOME)

When you create a new user account, with for instance, pw(8) or
adduser(8), and tell it to create the home directory for the account,
the default directory contents are copied from /usr/share/skel --- any
files in there called 'dot.foo' will be renamed to '.foo' as a

You can create your own version of the skeleton directory containing
you own customised version of configuration files and use that as an

    pw useradd -n newuser -m -k /usr/local/share/skel ...


    adduser -dotdir /usr/local/share/skel ...

You can also use 'pw usermod -m -k /usr/local/share/skel' to add any
missing dotfiles to a preexisting account.

> How can i start or stop daemons? (httpd for example)

Daemons that are added through the package or ports system will have
start/stop scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d or /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d which
you can use for that purpose:

    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh start
    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh stop

Note: you need to type the whole path, as shown.

Note2: many ports/packages will install sample startup files as
eg. 'spamd.sh-dist' which you are expected to customize and copy to
'spamd.sh' in order to have that service start up automatically on

For daemons that are supplied as standard with the system and are
started from the /etc/rc.* scripts, generally you manage them by using
kill(1) to send signals of various types to the process.  Most daemons
will create a pid file in /var/run so, for example, to make syslogd(8)
re-read it's configuration file:

    kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid`

Unfortunately, there is no standardized method to do this, and certain
daemons do things their own way.  Read the man pages and search
through the startup scripts /etc/rc.* --- particularly /etc/rc.conf
and /etc/defaults/rc.conf --- for clues.  sendmail(8) can be
controlled through the Makefile in /etc/mail ---

    cd /etc/mail
    make restart

and named(8) has a special controlling program ndc(8) (for bind-8.3.3
as bundled with the system.  If you install the bind9 port, the
equivalent command is rndc(8)) 

> How can i deactivate skey passwd for remote login? (I
> commented in pam, but still ask me skey passwd)

In general, if a user account has had an opie password set via
opiepasswd(1), and thus there is an appropriate entry in the
/etc/opiekeys file (opiekeys(5)) then the user will be required to use
opie one time passwords for any login.

Pretty much everything now respects the setting in /etc/pam.conf, so
you can control things that way.  Additionally, there is a setting in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config (sshd_config(5)) which can be used to disable PAM
authentication (and hence opie):

    # Change to no to disable PAM authentication
    #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

(uncomment and change to 'no' if that's what you want to do).
> sendmail is running, but i can't send or recive mail,
> never mind if i use the default sendmail.cf or i
> modify it. what can i do? I'm forgotting something?

There's far too many ways for this not to work that I can't even
hazard a guess as to what's wrong.  Please post any error messages
that sendmail generates --- those are logged into /var/log/maillog ---
and the .mc file you are using to generate your sendmail.cf

> How can i prevent a daemon for start at boot time? I
> have to delete it from /usr/local/etc/rc.d/?

Yes --- you can delete or preferably rename the startup scripts in the
rc.d directories to disable them.  The scripts have to end in '.sh' in
order to be run automatically at startup/shutdown.

For system daemons, generally you add an entry to /etc/rc.conf saying:


to achieve the same effect.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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