Peter Leftwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a GREAT read, strongly recommended for newbies.  One or two
> corrections though.

Please send your corrections to a more appropriate mailing list (eg,
freebsd-doc in this case), or better yet, file a PR (Problem Report)
using send-pr(1) or:

>  The part that says "Note: You must be the root user to
> install ports" applies only if you don't edit the Makefil and specify a
> different install path.

That's not the only way; normally, you'd use shell/environment variables.
Reading the top of /usr/ports/Mk/ is informative.

>  Also, the handbook could be a little clearer about
> options for users that do not want to install the entire ports tree, and
> instead want to cvsup one specific folder, such as /usr/ports/java/jdk

Here's my notes on how to do that:

Note: Many ports are dependent on other ports, so be very careful doing them one at a 

cvsup method:
-- cvsup -g -L 2 -i ports/sysutils/portupgrade /usr/sup/ports-supfile
--  If you use the GUI, you can get the same effect by typing 
"ports/sysutils/portupgrade" into the 
        Filter type-in near the bottom.
non-cvsup method 1:
--  DL the  
dir (which IS the skeleton)
non-cvsup method 2:
--  cd /usr/ports/<section>; ftp
    > cd /pub/FreeBSD/ports/ports/<section>   ## or ports-current ?
    > get <app>.tar
    > quit
    tar xf <app>.tar; cd <app>; make install
non-cvsup method 3:
--  cd /usr/ports/<sub>
    tar -xf port.tar
    Note: Not all of the mirrors support tar-on-the-fly ftp transfers, but some do, 
including the primary site.

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