I have ipfilter set up and running fine, but I have been finding that my 
security logs show up in both my security and messages log files.  ipmon is 
running with the command "ipmon -oI -s -D" and my syslog.conf file has the 
following relevant configuration.
local0.*                                        /var/log/security
security.*                                      /var/log/security
*.notice;kern.debug;lpr.info;mail.crit;news.err /var/log/messages
I am only logging blocked and short packets, which according to "man ipmon" 
should do the following.
-s     Packet  information  read  in  will be sent through
               syslogd rather than saved to a file.   The  default
               facility when  compiled  and  installed is local0.
               The following levels are used:

               LOG_INFO - packets logged using the  "log"  keyword
               as the action rather than pass or block.

               LOG_NOTICE - packets logged which are also passed

               LOG_WARNING - packets logged which are also blocked

               LOG_ERR - packets which have been logged and  which
               can be considered "short".
There is nothing in my syslog.conf that is pointing *.warning or *.err to 
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening??

Please Copy me with any replies.
  Dean E. Weimer


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