On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Scott Robbins wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 07:58:08PM -0500, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> > OK. I am going to try this one last time. I really want to keep using
> > Mutt because it's small, fast and I like console based apps anyways. I
> > am new at this stuff ok. I have asked a couple places on the net many
> > times in the last 2 weeks and still can't get it to work. I am
> > starting over. I want Mutt to Filter out my e-mails into groups.
> That particular part is fairly easy. If you don't mind, I'll send you to
> my mutt page at http://home.nyc.rr.com/computertaijutsu/mutt.html which explains 
> using Procmail. Personally, I  think it's a pretty clear explanation of
> what you'd have to do to get it working.

I haven't used mutt before, but I have used procmail for many many years.
There are many "recipes" (incremental filtering rules) available on the
Internet.  Procmail works on a per-incoming-email basis.

Another option is to use a MUA (emailer) such as Pine which, at least as of
version 4.33, allows the user to process an inbox or other folder in bulk.
That is, when the user goes to read the inbox, the messages are filtered
all at once (simpler but more cpu-intensive and takes more time).

> I don't know, however, how to get it to open so that
> it opens to FreeBSD. However, for example--I have it set so that if I
> open it, I can see my various mailboxes, and can then arrow down (or
> pick a number, as they're numbered in sequence) to open that particular
> box.
> There's also Xbuffy (the mutt page I gave above gives a link to it)
> which will, when in X, show you how many messages are in each box. In
> console mode, it just shows you the size--for example, my
> In-bsdquestions, with 6 messages shows a size of 22936, nylug with two
> messages shows a size of 12345 (I'm not making that one up.) :0

Check out the "frm" command which is part of elm 2.5 -- the man page begins
with this:

       frm,nfrm  -  list from and subject of selected messages in
       mailbox or folder
       frm [-hMnQqStv] [-s status] [folder | username] ...
       nfrm [-hnQqStv] [-s status] [folder | username] ...
       Frm outputs one line per message of the form:
       from [subject]
       where from is the name of the person the message is  from,
       and subject is the subject of the message, if present.  If
       the message is from you, the from portion will  read  ``To
       user'',  where `user' is the user the message was sent to.
       This happens when you receive a copy of a letter you sent.

> After a little while, you get pretty good at judging from that how many
> (approximately) messages you have.
> That answers all but the issue of having it open to the bsdquestions
> mailbox, but it would only be two or three more keystrokes--when it
> opens I hit 11 for the box and then one or two enters to open it.

PINE (at least as of version 4.33) lets you set an option (hit 'm' for main
menu, then 's' setup then 'c' config then 'w' for whereis then type the
word "initial" to find "initial-keystroke-list."

Mine does 'i /n ^w /n ^v' or "go to inbox, whereis, last line" (rather
than open PINE to the main menu OR to message #1, oldest).

> HTH a little
> Scott
> PGP keyID EB3467D6
> ( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2  A409 FA54 D575 EB34 67D6 )
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys EB3467D6
> Buffy: Okay, that was too close for comfort. Not that slaying is ever comfy, but... 
>you know what I mean.

Buffy's cute.  =)

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