On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 16:19:10 -0400
"Nathan Vidican" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone successfully been able to work with Microsoft Access
> database-stored data from PERL on a FreeBSD box?
> Here's the deal:
>     We've got a rather large Microsoft Access Database, the database
>     is used
> to keep track of several leagues, their teams and players involved and
> all stats regarding any of the above. We need to find a way to
> securely access and display the data about the team/player stats on a
> per-league basis over the internet. Posting the entire database out
> onto public domain would allow anyone to download the whole thing and
> in essence 'steal' all the work done to create the project over the
> years. This is something that the DB creator obviously doesn't want to
> happen.
>     Any ideas on how we might be able to create pages on the
>     server-side
> (FreeBSD/Apache) of the webserver to dynamically display stats and
> such information to the public? I understand fully what's rewquired on
> the programming side as far as interfaces/etc, (could do this no
> problem if the database was in mysql personally). The short version:
> need to find a server-side solution (prefereably using PERL:DBI) which
> will allow a CGI application to access a Microsoft Access database.

Doesn't Access support ODBC connections?  If so, you could just use the
perl DBI module to extract the data.


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