On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 02:17:47PM +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-10-14 12:35:06 +0100:
> > On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 12:38:02PM +0200, Rafa Marín López wrote:
> > > Where could I get FreeBSD 3.4?
> > 
> >     http://www.freebsdmirrors.org/FBSDsites.php3?showi386ISO=do
> >     http://www.freebsdmirrors.org/FBSDsites.php3?release=3.4-RELEASE
>     how about the CVS repository? does it not go that far back?

Sure it does and you can grab the RELENG_3 or RELENG_3_4_0_RELEASE
sources as easily as you can grab any other tag or branch.  However
you've got to start somewhere before you start cvsup'ing to specific
versions. I think it would be significantly non-trivial to start with
a contemporary version of FreeBSD and downgrade to 3.4 via



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