[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Pazarena) writes:

> Not sure if this is the group to report this. I have downloaded
> the iso's from 4.2 on, without a problem until this.

Correct group.  If nobody helps here, then you can usually ask on
about 4.x on freebsd-stable without getting complaints (say you asked
here first).  But in this case it's highly likely that the problem's
at your end.
> After composing the above, I downloaded the mini 4.7 iso, burnt a disk,
> and once again the boot process stops at text=0x2833b1 !

Sounds to me like a new problem with your CD burning software or
hardware.  I'm not familiar with that error message but I suspect
that the CD is booting well until it gets to the same point on the
disks.  You might try upgrading or reinstalling your burning software.

And check the CD by getting an MD5 of the CD or doing on a bit-by-bit
compare with the ISO on your hard disk.  It can be a bit tricky as
"burncd" seems to put and extra block or something on the CD than is in
the ISO file.  Here's my script for the bit-compare which you could also
modify to do the MD5 thing.  You can probably change it to use "sh".


## This is /jojo/bin/ckisocd
## This compares the file named by the first argument to the beginning of the CD.
#  Note that the CD burning software (burncd) often writes an ISO CD at least a block 
bigger than the file.
#  I'm not sure why. (It's not a hard disk file system block size thing.)


if [ -z "${iso_file}" ]; then
    exit 1

if [ ! -r "${iso_file}" -o ! -f ${iso_file} ]; then
    echo "ERROR: The argument, \"${iso_file}\", is not a readable regular file. 
Aborting with nothing done."
    exit 1

blocksize=2048  ## Block size of ISO CDs. Nothing else will work (esp, in dd command).

blocks=$(( $(ls -l ${iso_file} | awk '{print $5;}') / 2048 ))

bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${blocksize} ))

echo "WARNING: About to compare this file (${bytes} bytes, ${blocks} blocks) to CD."
ls -l ${iso_file}
echo -n "Enter \"y\" to continue, else to abort: "

if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ]; then
    echo "You entered \"$REPLY\", so the command is aborting with nothing done."
    exit 1

echo "NOTICE: Comparing \"${iso_file}\" to the just-written CD. Please wait..."
if dd if=/dev/acd0a count=${blocks} bs=${blocksize} | diff - ${iso_file}; then
    echo "NOTICE: Comparison OK.  The CD seems OK."
    echo "ERROR: The CD and file differred."

echo done

beep 3&

exit 0

## Note: The "ls -s" command gives a size rounded up to even multiple of fs block size 
-- no good.

## Note: Another, slower, more awkward way to compare the file and CD is this:
# vnconfig -c /dev/vn0a ${iso_file}
# mount -r -t cd9660 /dev/vn0a /mnt/tmp
# mount /cdrom
# diff -r /mnt/tmp /cdrom
# umount /cdrom; eject acd0
# umount /mnt/tmp
# vnconfig -u /dev/vn0a

# The End.

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