Phillip, all -

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

> I've got a CVS Win2k Server, yes, I know its stupid to not put it on a 
> unix computer, not my call.

I recently set up CVS 'pserver' service under Linux-2.4.* for WinCvs and
*nix cvs users. Circa early summer, the NT cvs server notes mentioned
problems dealing with MsWin clients, but not *nix.

> As I understand it, as of 1.10 or about, they broke parsing of the 
> command line
> so
> :pserver:user@host:d:/cvsroot
> doesn't work on the unix clients.

I noticed some differences between *nix and MsWin clients handling
explicit root definitions but nothing I saw as an outright failure or
breakage. (IIRC, I had to put _something_ in the password field, even for
a no-password user -- in a DOS script for example -- or get the password
prompt.) *nix clients all worked fine, but this wasn't the MsWin server
(the name of which I forget).

 - John Mills

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