+----[ Esto dijo paul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| Fernan Aguero wrote:
| >Can I safely ignore these and force python2 to install?
| >
| any reason why you can't just use the ports version?

You mean /usr/ports/lang/python20 or python21? No ... I need
the linux one. 

I have a linux software package that installs a web
interface and all cgi scripts are written in python. In the
past I just got along with linux_base 6 and linux-python15, and
I'm now upgrading this package which now needs python2. 

For some reason that I don't understand it just don't work with
a native FreeBSD python (I had already gone the path of
changing all '#!/usr/bin/env python' to either
'#!/path_to_FBSD_binary' or ''#!/usr/bin/env path_to_FBSD_binary'
to no avail. Pointing all scripts to 
'#!/usr/bin/env /compat/linux/usr/bin/env python' 
just works). But then I need the linux binary installed
under /compat/linux/.



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