Hi Derrick,

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 01:17:10PM -0700, Derrick Ryalls wrote:
> I don't want to start a Linux/FreeBSD flamewar, but I do need some info
> I have an associate who will be making major changes to their network
> and want my help/advice.  He intends to have a something like this:
>                                     ----Web server (Public IP)
> inet -----  router( Public IP) --- /
>                                    \____DMZ (Private IPs)
> The DMZ will house his mail, misc. servers and workstations.
> They might use some CISCO equipment for the router but it would limit
> them to 10mbs, and he would rather have 100mps.
> His first thought besides CISCO was Linux, as some of his clients use
> Linux and it is a good idea to use what your clients use.  I have almost
> zero experience with Linux, but I am a FreeBSD fan, so naturally, I
> recommended it to him.  I tried to give him some of the
> benefits/hinderances to using either, but I am not well enough versed in
> Linux to give good data.
> I was hoping someone on this list might have real data/reasons to use
> one or the other.  Valid concerns are: security, compatibility,
> stability, flexibility, support, etc.
> Some concerns I have with Linux are the variety of distros available for
> Linux, even if clients are using it, which ones are they using, etc.
> Also, I am naturally biased to FreeBSD because I have used it for quite
> a while.

 Well, first of all, on a router, it doesn't really matter what the clients
 are using, they should never "see" the router anyway. So really I would
 just think about what a router does, and wich one (Linux or BSD) would
 best suit the task.

 Linux and BSD both have excellent routing capabilities, no doubt. I think
 the main thing to consider here is the firewall, since as I understand it,
 that's the point where Linux and BSD begin to differ. I am not too familiar
 with FreeBSD ipfw capabilities, (Or firewall's in general), but I suggest
 that what's you take a look at to determin what will be best for the

 Does your client need a statefull firwall? I know Linux can do this with
 the 2.4 kernel, can FreeBSD? (I would assume so)...

 Also, another concer for a router is security updates. The BSD's have 
 very good security update proceedurs, (Maybe you should use OpenBSD?),
 some Linux distro's are *very* good about this as well, especially Debian.

 Just some things to consider.

- Nick Jennings

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