Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Oct 18), Mike Thompson said:
> > I'm interested in setting up two FreeBSD systems in a very simple
> > clustering type configuration around centralized external SCSI
> > storage devices for hardware redundancy.  The specific configuration
> > I'm thinking about is shown in the simple diagram below:
> >
> >  +-----------+     +----------+     +-----------+
> >  |  FreeBSD  |     |          |     |  FreeBSD  |
> >  |  Host  1  |     | External |     |  Host  2  |
> >  | (primary) |     |   SCSI   |     |(secondary)|
> >  |           |     |RAID/DRIVE|     |           |
> >  | SCSI  r/w |     |          |     | SCSI  r/o |
> >  +-----+-----+     +---+--+---+     +-----+-----+
> >        |               |  |               |
> >        +---------------+  +---------------+
> Whoa.  Deja vu here.
> Your primary problem is that the disk cache on Host2 does not know
> about changes made to the filesystem by Host1.
> > 1. Do the FreeBSD SCSI drivers support such a configuration by
> > implementing the SCSI RESERVE/RELEASE commands to lock access to the
> > SCSI bus?  If so, which drivers for which specific SCSI adapters?
> Reserve/release looks like it is implemented for tape devices on
> open(), but not for disks (since it's legal to mount slice 1 on machine
> A but slice 2 on machine B, for example).  Reserve/release is probably
> not useful in this situation anyway, as I don't know how easy it is to
> break a reservation (when host1 goes down, host2 has to break the
> reservation before it can acces the disk).
> > 2. Many external raid controllers describe themselves as host dual
> > capability.  Is the type of configuration they are describing?
> Possibly.  Most of the time it's to allow multiple hosts to access
> their own private storage, but you can usually force a volume to be
> visible on multiple ports.
> > 3. Will the secondary server still experience a corrupted file system
> > because of write caching by the primary server?  If so, would it be
> > possible to configure the primary server to write through the cache?
> Big time.  The problem is not so much write caching on the primary,
> it's read caching on the secondary.  Without a shared-storage
> filesystem, you're pretty much limited to NFS mounts (which are not all
> that bad).
> As for failover detection, one good way is to dedicate a small
> partition (da0s1a, for example) as a heartbeat partition.  Host 1
> writes a timestamp to /dev/da0s1a block 1 every second, Host 2 does the
> same thing on block 2.  Each host then reads the other host's block,
> and if there are no updates for (say) 10 seconds, you can assume that
> the other host is dead, do a fsck, and mount the volume.  Using the raw
> disk device bypasses any caches on the systems.

Hi folks,

I thought about a similar configuration, too. I found a manufactor for
host controller (SCSI, Fibre Channel), who can deliver: ICP Vortex:
http://www.icp-vortex.com/ - they have cluster ready host controller,
but they always mirror, so you need 2 disk stacks.

Maybe there is required additional software for take over, but by the way,
it would even in your situation ...


> --
>         Dan Nelson
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