
   I was wondering what the resolution was to this, as
I (a *nix "newbie") am trying to accomplish a very
similar thing: OS 10.1 via hub to a Pentium running
FBSD 4.6.2 to a cable-modem internet connection.
I can't get past the FBSD box from the Mac though
the FBSD box can see the internet just fine. (The
firewall is disabled. And I can ping, telnet, & FTP
from the Mac to FBSD just fine.)



Alex wrote:

> Friday, October 18, 2002, 6:31:35 PM, you wrote:
> <snip>
> > I added a Powerbook, OS X, to the local network, configured /etc/hosts
> > and /etc/resolv.conf. PB can ping the other boxes ok, but can't see the
> > Internet. The other boxes can ping the PB ok. Looks like a firewall
> > problem. If I connect the PB to the cable modem directly, the PB
> > connects ok.
> <snip>
> Is the mac able to use the internet without the firewall? (Remove the
> firewall lines from rc.conf with '#' and try loading the GENERIC
> kernel at the kernel prompt). If so reboot and change the
> *deny/block/ect* line of the firewall and add the 'log' keyword(man
> ipfw to find out how to use this) to each of them. Check
> /var/log/security if you can see the mac being blocked by your
> firewall. (It will tell you what rule blocked your mac).
> I hope this is helpful, if not send me the output of 'ipfw s' and
> 'tail -n 100 /var/log/security' and i'll take a look.
> > What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
> > Michael Heyes

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