Hello all -- It took time in coming, but it came : the disk where /,
/var and /usr were has died. Hopefully the three other connected disks
are not affected. 

There is nothing very critical on the disk, and I have most of it 
backed up. So I'm just trying to learn something from this situation, 
for next time.

Right now I'm in "Fixit mode" on the 2nd FreeBSD 4.7 CD, and I'm
wondering what the next steps should be. Here is my late fstab :

# Device        Mountpoint  FStype  Options     Dump    Pass#
/dev/ad4s1b     none        swap    sw      0   0
/dev/ad4s1a     /       ufs rw      1   1
/dev/ad5s1e     /ad5        ufs rw      2   2
/dev/ad6s1e     /ad6        ufs rw      2   2
/dev/ad7s1e     /ad7        ufs rw      2   2
/dev/ad4s1f     /usr        ufs rw      2   2
/dev/ad4s1e     /var        ufs rw      2   2
/dev/acd0c      /cdrom      cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0
proc            /proc       procfs  rw      0   0

I tried naively to 'mount /dev/ad4s1 /mnt', but got : not
permitted. I also tried to handbook and google my way out of this
paperbag, but that didn't work either :) 

I'm a newbie at this, so if you have advices, hints or URLs to deal
with this somewhat emergency situation (loss of hard drive), I'll
be grateful. Thanks. 


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