On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 22:45:06 +0000 (UTC) in lucky.freebsd.questions, Vinod wrote:
> i need a socket descriptor handle to process all my
> clients which fork out.but the handle i was using
> new_fd(see below) turned out to be the same for all.
> listen(..,..)
> for(;;)
> {
> int new_fd=accept(sockfd,....,...);
> ...
> ....
> }
> Shouldnt the new_fd be distinct everytime a new client
> connects?

I don't clearly understand your question, especially if you
read Stevens books, but I'll try to answer.

new_fd variable is just overwritten each time accept() returns a new
socket descriptor for a new connection. If you need to keep connections
with all clients at "the same time" in a single server, so, you need to
save each new_fd descriptor in an array, for example.

If you fork() a new process for handling a new connection, then you need
to close() new_fd descriptor in the server and use new_fd descriptor in
the forked process.

In any way, it is better to ask such questions in comp.unix.programmer
news group.

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