At 12:10 PM 10.24.2002 +0200, Marc Perisa wrote:
>Hi Chip,
>Chip Wiegand wrote:
>> I just finished installing 4.7 and want to move /var to /usr/var and
>> symlink it, but there is an empty subdirectory called empty
>> (/var/empty). It is not going away when I try to delete the /var
>> directory after moving it to /usr/var. It has permissions like this: 
>> dr-xr-xr-x root wheel 
>> Seems like I had to do something about a sticky bit, but don't recall
>> and can't find anything in the list archives about this.
>> Can someone remind me? And this time I'll write it down in my notebook.
>it is not about sticky bits. /var/empty is used since OpenSSH 3.4 to 
>chroot the child process.
>man sshd will tell you more.
>So, stop sshd (all of them I think) and then it should work
>Hope that helps

It's also "locked schg" and you will have to chflags noschg before removing:
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root    wheel   schg  512 Oct  9 07:42 empty/

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

SageOne Net

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