
Thanks for that info however I completely removes all ports on this last upgrade.
I cvsup'd all source and ports...
I have been running KDE3 and XFree86-4 for a very long time now with no problems.
This problem here just started 2 days ago when I rebuilt everything.

Any more suggestions?

Michael Mercer

Kent Stewart wrote:

> Michael E Mercer wrote:
> > Sorry if this is a repeat, got a response that this email was not allowed...
> > I subscribed to freebsd-questions and now resent this...
> >
> > later
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Has anyone came across this error and know how to fix it?
> It always occured on my machines when I mixed bag kde-3 and XFree86.
> If you are upgrading from major levels, it works better if you remove
> them first and then upgrade. Kde-3 doesn't work with XFree86-3.x.x. It
> is just the initial install where this happens. I think XFree86-4
> stores stuff in different areas. For example, you need to rename
> /etc/XF86Config to something else and then configure version 4.
> Kent

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