Michael E Mercer wrote:
Hello peoples,

After looking at the config.log file, the problem seems to be a missing
-L/usr/X11R6/lib from the compile line when it is testing for Xext.
I noticed it is in other compile lines preceding the Xext test but not
there for Xext.
Where is the actual problem here? I have never tried to modify a configure script.
The problem is that the configure script is not seeing the library. That is where the strange interaction is coming in. It is there but it isn't seeing it. Kdelibs is really dependant on XFree86-libraries-4.2.1_2 and qt-3.0.5_3, which have to be built in that order. Everything else in kde-3 is dependant on kdelibs being built properly. Portupgrade will occasionally skip kdelibs and the upgrade process breaks down. Your friend is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Most of the time, they can answer your question really quickly.


Michael Mercer


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I deleted everything after this for brevity.

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA


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