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On Monday, 21 October 2002 at  7:39:01 -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> On  Sunday, October 20, 2002 5:52 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
>> From what I've read, it appears that if I create a concatenated
>> volume using vinum or ccd, I will destroy whatever data I already
>> have on the disks.  Is this correct?  Is there anyway to do it
>> without destroying the data?  I have one 80G archive drive and have
>> filled it.  I added another and would like to have both drives seen
>> by the system as one 160G drive.
> Thanks for all of your responses.  The (almost) full 80G archive
> drive does not contain any system files (just mp3s, video clips,
> etc.) and my additional 80G drive is new with no data. Thus, I've
> concluded that creating a vinum volume on the empty disk, copying
> the contents of the old to the new, and then adding the old disk to
> the vinum volume is the best way to go.

Yes, that would work.  Under these circumstances you could also use
the trick I mentioned and then use growfs.  But your method is
probably preferable.

> This will be the first time I've ever attempted anything like this.
> Are there any common "gotchas" I should be careful to avoid?  I
> *really* want to do this right the first time so I don't have to try
> and restore from the hundred or so CDs that contain backups.

I can't think of anything in particular.  You should certainly make
sure that your Vinum volume is in good shape before adding the second

> One of these days I'll get a tape drive...  :)

I sometimes wonder if that's worth the trouble.  Cheap IDE disks are
much faster and very much more reliable.

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