On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 08:55:55AM +0000, C KH wrote:
> >What you want is the "defaultrouter" -- That tells the system where 
> >packets should be directed that aren't for the local LAN. (IE: anything 
> >not in 192.168.x.x)
> >
> >in rc.conf, add:
> >defaultrouter=""
> >
> >change to point to the SMC Router's IP (It's acting as a "gateway" 
> >for your network, if you check the setup of your other systems you'll 
> >probably find that their default routes/gateway are pointing to this 
> >router.
> I added that link to /etc/rc.conf.  Is there a way to reload this file 
> without rebooting?

Just run:

    route add default

obviously substituting the Router's IP...

There isn't any general way of applying changes in /etc/rc.conf to a
running system.  You either have to work out what the commands are
that the rc.conf variables affect and run them by hand, or reboot.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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