On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 16:58, joe wrote:
> There is a significant delay before ssh connects and returns a prompt.
> I am on a private network, attempting a 192.168.0.XXX 192.168.0.YYY
> connection.   There is a distinct 1:15 min delay before the password
> prompt appears.  I have included the log of a specific session.

Summary of last thread: If your dns isnt setup properly then there will be a 
delay in connecting to the server. The reason for this is, the remote server 
is attempting to resolve the local machines ip address. If setup properly, it 
will resolve straight away. If dns is not setup properly, it tries and gives 
up (after about approximately 1:15 minutes I would suspect).  

You need to check the remote machine can resolve your local ip address. To 
test this on your remove machine type:

   nslookup 192.168.local.machine.ip.address


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