
> What are your favorite ultra-light WM's and/or FMs?
> I'm just looking for
> something that does the job, looking nice would be
> an added benefit but
> I doubt I'll have a high color depth to play with
> anyway.

You can't go wrong with Blackbox (or fluxbox, which is
very similar). It can look as detailed or as simple as
you want. I use it on my low spec laptop and
workstations. If you want a nice looking theme, I
suggest 'AlmostX', but you might want to get rid of
some of the gradients in it, as rendering them chew
unnecessary CPU power. It's been quite usable on my
p120 thinkpad.

As far as file managers go, I would suggest perhaps
XFtree from XFce. I've not used every file manager,
but I have used this in the past, its been good and
has a small footprint. You can assign file
associations too.

I've used these both in the past, in a sort of hybrid
blackbox-xfce manner, and it served me well.

Hope this helped,

Brett Harris

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