On Monday, November 4, 2002, at 03:28 AM, Lefteris Tsintjelis wrote:

Grow ups or not and as ridiculous as it may sound and probably is,
these are both good points and they both could have effect on FreeBSD's
popularity, the satan looking symbol and the hostility towards Berkeley.
As for the symbol, well, I would expect it to look something more world
wide acceptable, neutral, and cute, like Penguin is and not as a
"demon". We all know the difference between "daemons" and "demons",
however, there are plenty of people that don't and as far as popularity
goes compared to Linux, well, popular doesn't necessarily mean a
"kitchen sink" linux OS, IF HANDLED RIGHT of course, and I am sure that
there isn't anyone here that wouldn't like FreeBSD being popular. After
all, I think it deserves a lot more than Linux does and the way these
third party linux companies such as RedHat and SuSE are handling it.

I'd love to know who exactly it alienates besides some hicks that wouldn't use it anyway?

I am moving this to -chat. It doesn't belong here.


Paul Everlund wrote:
The traditional devil horns derive from goats, which if you have ever been
around goats, seen how they can climb, eat all vegetation in sight, climb
trees, get on roofs, etc., how kids gambol, is understandable. But it
alienates so many.
Heh the imagery is far older than that, goes back to mesopotamia, there was a night demon that many think the modern imagery for the devil descended from. Also it wasnt just the goat, but couldbe any animal, often a goat, or a bull, or a dog or some other animal.

But as it alienates so many Christians, Jews and Muslims
as a little Satan symbol, really limits the widespread use, public and tax
paid support and availability of BSD. A better symbol might be the statue of
liberty, or the creator of the first Library, Aristotle. The Penguin symbol
is LINUX' best advantage over BSD, not to mention all the public hostility
towards Berkley.

All the public hostility towards Berkley? Where exactly? And imho the linux is annoying but it never stopped me from trying Linux.

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