On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 06:10:23PM +0200, Doron Shmaryahu wrote:
> I have a machine with a permanent connection, that I am installing for a
> client. Their provider lets them collect mail via UUCP. Can anyone explain
> in simple terms how to use uucp. I have the node name, username and
> password. I just don't know how to use it. The only examples I can find are
> regarding uucp and dial up.

Reading your last sentence, I guess you will be doing UUCP over TCP/IP.
Basically, the setup is the same as for dialup, just instead of
connecting through a modem, you connect via TCP/IP. I'll try to give
some samples based on the files I use myself (don't shoot me if there
are mistakes in my samples, I'm trying to put it together from much more
complicated files without reading the whole UUCP book again):

- make sure all the files in /etc/uucp/ are owned by the user uucp and
  group uucp!!!

- for uucp over TCP/IP you don't need the dial file

- if you only call out but will not be called by others, you don't need
  the passwd file

- /etc/uucp/call:
  # system-name                  login-name        password
  provider                       Uyou              yourpwd
  -> provider is the uucp nodename (peername) of your provider
  -> Uyou is the uucp-login name you are assigned
  -> yourpwd is the password for Uyou

- /etc/uucp/config:
  uuname you
  -> you is the uucp nodename (peername) you were assigned

- /etc/uucp/port:
  port    TCP
  type    tcp
  -> instead of specifying modems and serial ports here, you need to set
     these to TCP

- /etc/uucp/sys:
  time                   ANY 1
  port                   TCP
  chat                   ogin: \L ssword: \P
  call-login             *
  call-password          *
  protocol-parameter     g window 7
  protocol-parameter     g packet-size 1024

  system                 provider
  address                your.providers.uucp.host
  -> this assumes that you use the g protocol with a window size of 7
     and a packet size of 1k
  -> \L and \P will be taken from your /usr/uucp/call file
  -> the value for the system keyword (provider) must correspond to
     the first entry on a line in your /etc/uucp/call file
  -> the address is the fully qualified hostname or IP address of
     your providers uucp host

The sample files in /etc/uucp/ are a good starting poing. You might also
want to have a good look at the uucp info pages (use the command 'info
uucp'). And if you really want to learn the details, I can recommend
O'Reilly's book 'Using & Managing uucp' (ISBN: 1-56592-153-4), but it
might be hard to find a copy, since it has been out of print for quite
some time.



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